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Purpose-driven Audience

A diverse group of adults representing the Nashville Public Radio audience

Diverse Audiences With Common Threads

Nashville Public Radio is for anybody and everybody. Communities throughout Middle Tennessee rely on our free local and national journalism. They soundtrack their days with our independent and classical music. What unites such a broad audience? Learning. Equality. Authenticity. A love of Nashville. These are some of the values that our listeners share in great propensity and that guide their consumer choices.

Each month, Nashville Public Radio engages a total monthly multimedia audience of 450,000.1

62% more likely to have a postgraduate degree2

59% more likely to work in a professional occupation2

24% more likely to earn a household income of $100k+2

53% more likely to contribute to an arts or cultural organization2

45% more likely to volunteer2

Sources: 1. Monthly Unique Listeners – Nielsen PPM, Nashville Metro, February 2024-January 2025, M-Su 6a-12a, P18+; Digital metrics internally sourced February 2024-January 2025; Podcast downloads October 2024-January 2025; Newsletter subscribers as of January 2025, open rates November 2024-January 2025; Monthly audience is the sum of each platform’s audience: broadcast listeners, streamers, website visitors, app users, podcast downloads and newsletter subscribers; 2. Nielsen, Nashville Metro, Scarborough R1 2024 January 2023-December 2023, P18+, WPLN News listeners

Learn More

Thought and opinion leaders rely on Nashville Public Radio for in‑depth news coverage and music discovery. Download a copy of the Media Kit to learn more about our influential audience.


Nashville Public Radio Media Kit Cover